Усі міста


The terms used in the body of these Terms and Conditions shall have the meanings given below, unless a different meaning is clear from the body of the Terms and Conditions:

1. Ticket – confirmation of the right of an eligible Ticket holder to participate in a selected Event, available on the Relivent System, in accordance with the Organizer's Regulations. Tickets available on the Relivent System are issued pursuant to the Relivent Regulations. Whenever the Regulations refer to a Ticket in the singular number, this shall be applied accordingly to the plural number and vice versa.

2. Proof of purchase – Ticket or tax receipt or other document confirming the purchase of a Ticket, e.g. credit card printout, email confirmation.

3. Customer Service Department – a point providing information to Users. Contact with the Customer Service Department is possible via email on Business Days from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. email: support@relivent.eu

4. Business day – any day except Saturdays, Sundays and other public holidays.

5. Relivent - Relivent sp. z oo with its headquarters in Warsaw, Artileriyskaya Street 35,03-276 Warsaw, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, XIV Economic Department of the National Court Register under the number KRS 0000997239, NIP: 524-295-28-24, distributed through the Cultural Events Ticketing System.

6. Event – any cultural, sports or other event organized by the Organizer for which the event Tickets are available on the Relivent System

7. Amount due - this is the amount that the User should finally pay after successfully placing an order for Tickets. The amount consists of the price of selected Tickets, Service Fee. The User is informed about the final amount of the Amount Due before confirming the order.

8. Ticket Purchaser – a User who purchased a Ticket (or On- line Ticket, respectively) through the Relivent System.

9. Facility – the place where the Event will be held.

10. Service Fee – the fee payable for the User's use of the System at www.relivent.eu in the amount specified at the order summary.

12. Ticket holder – a person holding a ticket in a trusted manner inaccordance with the model rules and regulations of the Organizer

13. Regulations – these rules and regulations.

14. Organizer's Rules and Regulations – the rules and regulations of a specific Event established by its Organizer.

15. Rules and Regulations for the Sale of Tickets for an Event – the rules and regulations for the sale of Tickets for an Event posted on the Event website. The Rules and Regulations for the Sale of Tickets for an Event apply only to the purchase of Tickets for that Event.

16. Event Page/Page of a given Event – a subpage on www.relivent.eu dedicated to a given Event.

17. Relivent System/System - means the electronic system provided by Relivent for the purchase of Tickets for events organized by the Organizers, which allows, among other things . Relivent System is available at www.relivent.eu.

18. Electronic Ticket – an automatically generated confirmation of the right to prior admission to a selected event; only an electronic ticket bearing a barcode or QR code is a Ticket within the meaning of the Regulations. After making a purchase, the User receives to the number provided during registration Phone request to create an Electronic Ticket in the form of a PDF file The user must be able to open the document in this format (including software components).

19. User – any person using Relivent System.

20. Facility Rules – a document prepared by the owner or manager of the Facility specifying the rules applicable to the Users participating in the Event to be held at the Facility, available on the Organizer's or Facility's website; this document may appear under a different name on the Organizer's or Facility's website.

21. Organizer – any natural person, legal entity or organizational unit, which is the organizer of the Event.

2. General principles

1. These Regulations contain provisions on the creation and maintenance of an account in the Relivent System, and rules for purchasing Tickets using the Relivent System at www.relivent.eu, refunds of Tickets, as well as the procedure for filing and processing complaints.

2. Relivent makes Tickets available for sale for Events conducted by the Organizer. Relivent is not the organizer of the Events and is only responsible for the correctness of the operation of the Relivent System and for the fact that Tickets purchased using the Relivent System recognized by the Organizer as entitling the User to enter a given Event in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Organizer. Information regarding the Events for which the User may purchase a Ticket using the Eventim System can be found at www.relivent.eu.

3. The User using the Relivent System accepts the terms of these Terms and Conditions. The User is not entitled to post content of an unlawful nature, especially content that may violate the personal rights of others, including Relivent, and to take actions that may cause disruption or damage to the Relivent System.

3. The User using the Relivent System accepts the terms of these Terms and Conditions. The User is not entitled to post content of an unlawful nature, especially content that may violate the personal rights of others, including Relivent, and to take actions that may cause disruption or damage to the Relivent System.

4. At the discretion of the Organizer of a particular Event, Tickets are sold:

a. In electronic version (in the format: E-ticket);

5. Prior to purchasing a Ticket at www.relivent.eu, the User is required to read the Rules and Regulations, the Rules and Regulations for the sale of Tickets for the Event (if applicable) and the Organizer's Rules and Regulations (if applicable), the Facility Rules and any additional information posted by Relivent on the Event Site. Ticket Purchasers are required to check the Event Site for which they purchased a Ticket, including immediately prior to the date of the Event. In the event that the date or program of the Event is changed, or circumstances arise that involve additional requirements for Participants, Relivent will provide information obtained from the Organizer in this regard.

6. The information posted on the Event Site, including the Organizer's Rules and Regulations, applies to all participants in the Event. In the case, the Purchaser of Tickets also purchased Tickets for other persons, he shall be obliged to inform such persons of the applicable rules and regulations, the need to read and comply with them, and provide them with the other information made available on the Event Site.

7. The owner or manager of the Facility where the Event is to be held may specify the Rules for the use of the Facility. In such cases, they shall apply All participants of the Event staying at the Facility. The rules for the use of the Facility will be made available on the website of the Organizer or the Facility.

8. Certain types of Events may be subject to additional regulations under applicable laws, including the Act of March 20, 2009 on safety of mass events and other legal acts regulating safety issues as well as those aimed at combating, preventing and counteracting infectious diseases. These Regulations apply to all participants of the Event.

9. The Organizer may provide a map of the Facility to facilitate the User's selection of the type of Ticket. Eventim stipulates that it is not possible to accurately represent the structure of the Facility by means of graphics, therefore the presented maps of the Facilities should be treated as a simplified, illustrative plan. If the Organizer makes subsequent changes to the map of the Facility, including, in particular, changes in the location of sectors, Eventim will immediately inform Ticket Purchasers affected by the changes of the information provided to it by the Organizer in this regard.

3. Steps in the ticket purchase process at www.relivent.eu

1. The process of purchasing a Ticket using the Relivent System consists of the following steps:

a. familiarization with the provisions of the Regulations;

b.selection of the Event;

c.Selecting the category and type of Ticket;

d.authorization/registration in the Relivent System, if the User is no longer authorized;

e.selection of payment method for the Ticket;

f.Verification of the order, including the amount due and acceptance of the terms and conditions of the purchase of the Ticket, including the regulations provided;

g.Confirmation of the order placed by the User with the obligation to pay;

h.Confirmation of the terms and execution of the order Relivent by sending a message to the provided e-mail address or telephone number.

4. Account in the System

1. In order to create an account in the Relivent System, the User must provide a telephone number, which will serve as a login, and a one-time password for access to the Relivent System will be sent to the telephone number.

2. In order to place an order in the Relivent System, it is necessary to provide the data necessary to complete the order, in particular the telephone number. Depending on the type of Event, in accordance with the Organizer's recommendation under the mandatory provisions of law, the nature of the Event or the safety rules of the participants of the Event, Relivent may require the User to provide also other data necessary for the purchase of a given Ticket. Information in this regard will be provided each time on the Event Site.

3. The User is responsible for the correctness of the data he/she provided. If the User notices an error in the data he/she provided after confirming the order, he/she should contact Customer Service.

4. In case of violation of the Terms and Conditions by the User, Relivent will block, and subsequently delete the User's account from the System.

5. Ordering tickets

1. Subject to Section 2 below, upon logging into the System, each User may purchase Tickets for an Event of his or her choice, subject to a maximum purchase limit of ten (10) tickets per Event per User.

2. For some Events, specific restrictions on the number of Tickets purchased may be possible, resulting from the provisions of the Organizer's Regulations. The above restrictions may relate, in particular, to the purchase limit within the User's account or within a given order, in accordance with the information available to the User during the ordering process at www.relivent.eu.

3. If the Regulations of the Organizer provide for the selection of certain categories of Tickets, the User, when booking a Ticket, shall also select the category of the Ticket.

4. Depending on which option is available for this Event at the time of the User's purchase of Tickets, the User may select Tickets as follows:

a. using the purchase from the room plan - in this case, the User himself indicates on the interactive room plan the venues he would like to purchase. In the case of some Events, this option can be expanded to include a Panorama View, which presents the User with a view of the Facility from the indicated location. This view is only an example and may differ from the actual view depending on the settings of the Venue and the Event itself.

5. The possibility of placing an order for Tickets applies to Events active in the System.

6. The Ticket entitles to one entry to the Event for the number of persons specified on the Ticket (in the case of a Bearer Ticket) or one person (in the case of a Registered Ticket), depending on the provisions of the Organizer's Regulations. If there is no information on the Ticket regarding the number of people who can enter the Event at one time, one Ticket entitles one person to enter the Event. Tickets are scannable at the entrance to the Event only once, unless something else clearly appears from the information received from the Organizer or indicated on such Ticket

7. The Ticket entitles the Ticket Holder to occupy the seat indicated on the Ticket, as long as the seat number information is included on the Ticket. Relivent and the Organizer reserve the right to change the seat indicated on the Ticket to another seat in the same price category or higher, both before and during the Event, if required for security reasons, public order protection or other justified circumstances, of which the Ticket Holder will be informed.

8. It is forbidden to use bots or other automated ICT tools that allow the purchase of Tickets without the User's intervention. Tickets purchased using unauthorized tools will be canceled

6. Choice of delivery method for Ticket ordered on www.relivent.eu

1. If an order is placed in the Relivent system, the ticket will be available to the Ticket Purchaser immediately after payment is made to the personal account. In addition, the Purchaser of the Ticket will receive an SMS message to the phone number containing a link to the purchased ticket and to the email address, if provided by the user, in PDF format.

2. If the User does not receive the Ticket within one (1) hour, he/she should immediately contact the Customer Service Department.

3. The user is obliged to protect the access data to the Account and order data. The User should not transfer access to his/her Account to third parties.

7. Choice of payment method for Ticket at www.relivent.eu

1. The system allows you to make payments as follows:

a.through PayU service (in accordance with the terms and conditions of this service); All possible costs associated with making payment for the Ticket, as provided in this provision of the Terms and Conditions, shall be borne by the User. These costs are indicated when the order is placed.

2. Relivent charges a Service Fee for the use of the System by the User during the Ticket purchase process. The amount of the Service Fee depends on the subject of the order.

3. The amount due for the order must be paid in full immediately after placing the order, within the time limit indicated on www.relivent.eu. Making payment implies confirmation of the transaction by the payment operator.

4. Failure to receive funds to Eventim's account or failure to receive confirmation of the transaction by the payment operator within the timeframe specified in the paragraph above shall result in cancellation of the order, in accordance with the provisions of § 8 points 3 and 4 of the Regulations.

8. Completion of the ticket purchase process

1. After selecting the Event, the type and quantity of Tickets, the payment method and the option of delivering the Tickets, the User is obliged to accept the terms and conditions of purchasing the Tickets, check the data entered by the User into the System and confirm the readiness to execute the order. After accepting the terms and conditions and purchasing Tickets, Relivent sends the User a confirmation of the order and conclusion of the contract to the phone number and e-mail address (if applicable) indicated by the User.

2. The contract is concluded after the User confirms the order with the obligation to pay the Amount Due (Ticket purchase contract).

3. Failure to pay the order within the time period written on the website will be considered as a withdrawal of the User from the contract and such order will be automatically canceled.

4. In the event of cancellation of an order, in accordance with Section 3 above, it is not possible to reinstate the order, and it is only possible to place a new order. In this case, Relivent cannot guarantee that the selected Tickets will still be available.

5. Relivent is entitled to cancel an order/Ticket in the situation when:

a. The user made payments using stolen credit cards;

b. The ticket was issued for resale outside the Relivent System (except through authorized resale channels, in cases permitted by the Organizer);

c. The ticket was purchased from an unauthorized Relivent or Organizer;

d. The ticket was not paid on time

e. The User has purchased Tickets in excess of the applicable limit;

f. The ticket was purchased in violation of the Terms and Conditions or the Organizer's Regulations and in other situations expressly indicated in the Terms and Conditions or the Organizer's Regulations.

6. In the cases indicated in paragraph 5(a-c), Relivent est entitled to report the incident to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

7. Pursuant to Article 38(12) of the Consumer Rights Act of May 30, 2014 (Journal of Laws 2014.827), the User is not entitled to withdraw from the Ticket purchase agreement.

9. Cancellation, change of time and place of the Event, refund of the Tickets, change of data and consent to resale of the Tickets

1. A Ticket purchased in the manner specified in the Regulations does not entitle the Purchaser to a refund or exchange for another Ticket, except in case of cancellation of the Event, change of date or venue of the Event or in other situations indicated in the Organizer's Regulations. In case of cancellation of the Event, change of date or venue of the Event, or in other situations indicated in the Organizer's Regulations, the Ticket Purchaser will have the opportunity to exchange the Ticket for another one or refund, in accordance with the provisions of §9 of the Regulations. Eventim shall handle the process of returning Tickets, as authorized by the Organizer.

2. In the event of cancellation, change of time or place of the Event, it will immediately inform the Ticket Purchasers of this fact by posting the relevant information on the website www.relivent.eu. Additionally, Ticket Purchasers may receive this information by e-mail.

3. In the event of a situation referred to in point 1 § 9 above, in order to receive a refund for the completed order, the Ticket Purchaser should fill out the form on the website (available next to the purchased ticket in the "My orders" tab), if for technical reasons the button is missing, the Ticket Purchaser is obliged to send the information below tosupport@relivent.eu

Phone Number,

Event Name,

Unique ticket/ticket number,

4. Relivent accepts refunds of Tickets for cancelled Event within 5 business days.

5. Refunds for the purchase of a Ticket, as in the case of payment, shall be made immediately upon receipt of funds from the Organizer.

6. The Organizer may establish different rules and deadlines for refunding Tickets in case of cancellation of an Event, change of date and venue of an Event, other than those specified in this paragraph, with which the Ticket Purchaser will be able to become acquainted through the information on the website www.relivent.eu. The Ticket Purchaser will be informed about the different procedure for returning Tickets in case of cancellation of an Event, change of date and venue of an Event, when placing an order through the System.

7. Tickets may not be resold unless permitted by the Organizer, in which case the Organizer will indicate the permitted authorized resale channels - only Tickets resold through authorized resale channels will be eligible for entry to the Event. Depending on the resale channel, resale may incur a fee.

10. Procedure for handling complaints

1. All complaints must be reported by the User to the Customer Service Department at the e-mail address support@relivent.eu . Complaints are processed within 14 days of receipt of the complaint. Relivent handles complaints directed in connection with the services provided by Relivent with services, as well as complaints of Ticket Purchasers related to the conduct and course of the Event, with the holding and course of the Event, to the extent that the Organizer of a given Event has authorized Relivent to handle such complaints.

2. Complaints can be submitted in person during the opening hours of the Customer Service Department, i.e. on business days from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm to support@relivent.eu.

11. Responsibility

1. The User shall signal Relivent about any irregularities in the functioning of the System by sending appropriate information to support@relivent.eu.

2. The organizers are responsible for the Event organized by them, including the holding and conduct of the Event.

12. Data protection

1. The administrator of the personal data is Relivent Sp.z oo. o. with its registered office at 35 Artuleria Street, 03-276 Warsaw. Detailed rules of personal data processing by Relivent are included in the Privacy Policy. The provisions of the Privacy Policy are an integral part of the Terms and Conditions.

2. Personal data provided when creating an account will be processed by Relivent for the purpose of creating and maintaining an account on www.relivent.eu.

3. Personal data provided when placing an order will be processed by Relivent for the purpose of concluding and performing the contract, i.e. fulfilling the order placed on www.relivent.eu.

4. In the case of distribution of Tickets as named tickets, the administrator of personal data placed on the Ticket, i.e. provided for the purpose of personalization of Tickets, is the Event Organizer. Detailed information on data processing can be found on the Event website

13. Other reserves

1. In matters not covered by these Regulations, the provisions of Polish law, including the Civil Code, will apply.

2. The Rules and Regulations, the Rules and Regulations for Sale of Tickets for a given Event (if established and published) and the Organizer's Rules and Regulations in effect on the effective date of the order shall apply to all issues related to a given order. In the event of any discrepancy between the provisions of the Regulations and the Regulations for Sale of Tickets for a given Event, the provisions of the Regulations for Sale of Tickets for a given Event shall prevail.

3. It is possible to change the Terms and Conditions for important reasons, such as:

a. changes in the System, including the introduction of new functionalities or resulting from the addition of new services, as well as changes in technical requirements

b. Changes in the ticket distribution process;

c. Adding or changing services provided by Relivent or products offered;

d. The desire to improve the quality of service to Users and facilitate their use of the System;

e. security of the System and available functions, in particular the process of purchasing Tickets counteracting abuse and use of the System in violation of the law;

f. the need to amend or adapt the Regulations to the law, as well as decisions, orders, rulings, interpretations or other provisions of public authorities;

g. The need to clarify or clarify the provisions of the Regulations;

h. Changes in data or other information related to Relivent.

4. Amendments to the Terms and Conditions, including their effective date, will be available to Users on the website www.relivent.eu, with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions as accepted at the time of ordering applying to orders placed for Tickets.